Saturday, August 16, 2003

Cornyn making sense on immigration

I've liked John Cornyn since the first time I met him back when he first ran for Texas Attorney General. He just seemed like someone who was sincere and intelligent. I still voted for Ron Kirk in the last Senate election, but I was satisified that even if Cornyn won he would be a vast improvement over Phil Gramm.
A story in today's E-N further confirms my impression of him. Cornyn says the U.S. is in denial over illegal immigration and is advocating the creation of a temporary work permit system. I have said before that the U.S. government is not trying to stop illegal immigration as much as it is trying to manage it. Cornyn's proposal sounds like it would go a long way at freeing up our Border Patrol to pursue drug trafficers, smugglers and other real threats to our nation, rather than constantly rounding up desperate laborers looking for work to support their families back home.

I don't know how likely Cornyn's proposal may be approved and implemented, but it is reassuring knowing that we have someone in Washington who is willing to take a pragmatic position in dealing with the situation.

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